Wufoo forms look and work great on mobile devices, but that device needs to have an internet connection if you want it to submit data. If you are in need of a way to use your Wufoo forms offline and have them submit that data later when the device is online, the new Device Magic integration may be the answer for you.
To use this integration:
1. You’ll need an account on Wufoo and an account on Device Magic. Both of our services have a free plan if you’d like to test it out.
2. Create a form on Wufoo or add one to your account from our gallery.
3. Follow this instructional video on how to integrate that form into your Device Magic account:
Thanks very much to the Device Magic team for their work on this integration! If you work on an app and would like to integrate it with Wufoo, check out our guide.
Magic Device with wufoo do wonderful things together and this is one of them, and install it and really liked it, very useful and practical.
Posted May 21st, 2012 by Joe Hobbs - recetas faciles y rapidas.Regards,