Integrations Update: Campaign Monitor & Mailchimp Now Use OAuth

Hey there, API Key. You got a minute to talk? Yeah, it’s kind of serious. You should probably sit down. So we’ve been thinking about this a long time and well, see, we’ve been together a while now and things were really awesome at the beginning. Like, super good.

But we think it’s time to move on. We’ve found someone new and their name is OAuth. No, stop crying, it’s not you, it’s us. Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we can still be friends!


Oh, wow, you were there the whole time? *Awkward.* Well, this is as good a time as any to let you know. You might have recently noticed a slight change in the way that you setup [Campaign Monitor]( and [MailChimp]( integrations for your form. Namely, you no longer need API Keys! Now it’s easier than ever to connect and integrate your forms with Campaign Monitor and MailChimp.

To add a **Campaign Monitor** integration to your form, simply click the “Connect to Campaign Monitor” button. A window will open which asks you to log in to your Campaign Monitor account to authenticate you. Log in, give Wufoo access to your account, and boom, connected.

Adding a **MailChimp** integration to your form is even easier. Same as before, click the “Connect to MailChimp” button and a window will open which asks you to log in to your MailChimp account to authenticate you. Log in and boom, you’re connected. No need to give permissions.

From there, all functionality for both integrations is unchanged. So if you’re familiar with Campaign Monitor or MailChimp, you’re set. Want more information on how to set up these integrations? Check out our help documentation for [Campaign Monitor]( and [MailChimp](

## I Have An Existing Campaign Monitor or MailChimp Integration

No worries! If you’ve already got a Campaign Monitor or MailChimp integration for your form using the previous API Key method, your integration will continue to work. You can continue to update your settings like before and its business as usual. If you create a new Campaign Monitor or MailChimp integration, it will use the snazzy new OAuth method as described above.


As always we’ll continue to update our [integrations]( to make them more robust and feature rich. If you’ve got feedback or suggestions on what we should improve, please let us know below in the comments!


  • Awesome updates folks!!!

    Posted December 4th, 2013 by Anthony Meanors.
  • Thank you very much for the update. The integration has become very easier now and does not need
    system administrators to interact with developers.

    Posted December 4th, 2013 by NetGains Technologies Pvt Ltd.
  • The power that Dropbox is having is impressive 🙂 I wonder what the competitors would be doing in the future. Thanks for helping us with this new feature.

    Posted December 4th, 2013 by Karina.
  • There seems to be a bug in this new feature. I duplicated a form, where the original which had a mailchimp integration, and suddenly it looked like the new one with a “Connect to Mailchimp” button.

    The problem is that we access Mailchimp through Google Apps and have an oid::. I’ve tried several logins for username / password but I think the password may be hiding behind the Google Apps integration somehow.

    This is an important form for us so we need to get this fixed ASAP. We need to link the form back up to Mailchimp, but the interface does not seem to allow us to do this anymore because . Any ideas?

    Posted December 4th, 2013 by Jassem.

    Mailchimp supports both the oauth login AND a username/password option in parallel (I was originally concerned that the latter would override the former). The following cleared the air and appears to have worked:

    Posted December 4th, 2013 by Jassem.

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