If you manage university faculty, find out how university instructors are doingí¢äåäófrom the students themselvesí¢äåäówith our online university instructor evaluation form. Our form gives you detailed reviews from the students about the teachers, the course content, and the quality of the teaching--so you can make sure your instructors are meeting students' needs.
What's in the University Instructor Evaluation?
Launch this form as-is or customize it to your heart's content!
Use This FormSend students our online university instructor evaluation form after the semester or quarter ends, or embed the form into your university's website. Learn such things as whether the students were satisfied with the course content, if the instructor explained the course objectives, and if the material was organized. Improve how you guide instructors, and gain insight into how classrooms are run when you send out our online university instructor evaluation form.
Education form templates
Browse our 400+ online form templates or click any of the Education form templates below to start using it immediately after you sign up or sign in.