Doki Doki helps entrepreneurs easily deliver a variety of online learning experiences including courses and mentorship programs. it-operations-education Zapier
Lessonly Lessonly is a powerfully simple training software that helps customer service and sales teams do better work. it-operations-education Zapier
GoToTraining GoToTraining by LogMeIn is an online training software that enables enterprises and individuals to provide interactive training sessions to both employees and customers, regardless of location. it-operations-education Premium
Watershed LRS Watershed LRS is a learning analytics platform that provides actionable insights from your training and performance data. Watershed collects data from a wide range of sources into one place. You can use Watershed's report cards to analyse this data, evaluate your learning programmes and measure the performance of your workforce. it-operations-education Zapier
Cypher Learning CYPHER LEARNING is a company that specializes in providing learning platforms like NEO and MATRIX LMS for organizations around the world. it-operations-education Zapier
Teachery Teachery is an online course building platform. Create and sell beautiful online courses in minutes with no transaction fees! it-operations-education Zapier
Skilljar Skilljar's learning management system (LMS) enables businesses to create, deliver, and track online training courses. it-operations-education Zapier
Trainual Trainual is a simple tool for building the how-to guide for your business. it-operations-education Zapier
LearnDash LearnDash is a learning management system plugin built for WordPress. App Families, it-operations-education, WordPress Zapier